5th century in poetry

This page is part of the List of years in poetry
Centuries in poetry: 4th century - 5th century - 6th century
Decades in poetry: 400s 410s 420s 430s 440s 450s 460s 470s 480s 490s
Centuries: 4th century - 5th century - 6th century

Roman Empire


  • 476: Invasion of Germanic tribes and fall of the Western Roman Empire leads to eclipse of Latin as the European Lingua franca; Germanic and Celtic vernaculars begin process of becoming literary languages.

Roman poets

  • Rutilius Claudius Namatianus flourishes, writing in Latin.
  • Sidonius Apollinaris (430–489), in Lugdunum, Gaul, writing in Latin.
  • Magnus Felix Ennodius (474 – July 17, 521), Bishop of Pavia and poet, writing in Latin
  • Coluthus of Lycopolis (fl. 491–518), writing in Greek.
  • Jacob of Serugh (451 – November 521), writing in Syriac
  • Blossius Aemilius Dracontius (c. 455 – c. 505), writing in Latin in Carthage

Roman works

South Asia







  1. ^ "Blossius Aemilius Dracontius | Latin poet". Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved 17 March 2019.