
Straussler, Straeußler, Strässler, Sträßler, Strauss, Straessler, Stroessner, Strasser, Strassler, and the like may refer to:


  • Ernst Sträussler (1872–1959), Austrian neuropathologist
  • Nicholas Straussler (1891–1966), Hungarian-born British engineer
  • Tomáš Straussler (born 1937), the original name of the playwright, Sir Tom Stoppard
  • Johann Strauss II (1825–1899), Austrian composer and son of Johann Strauss.
  • Johann Strauss (1804–1849), Austrian composer and father of Johann Strauss II.
  • Gregor Strasser (1892–1934), Early prominent Nazi German Politician and Officer. Ideological leader of Strasserism along with his brother Otto Strasser.
  • Otto Strasser (1897–1974), German politician and early Nazi party member. Ideological leader of Strasserism along with his brother Gregor Strasser.

Fictional characters


  • Gerstmann-Sträussler-Scheinker syndrome, a condition named after Ernst Sträussler and others
  • Strasbourg (UK: /ˈstræzbɜːrɡ/, US: /ˈstræs-, ˈstr ɑːsbʊərɡ, ˈstrɑːzbʊərɡ, -bɜːrɡ, .... That name is of Germanic origin and means "Town (at the crossing) of roads"
Surname list
This page lists people with the surname Straußler (Straussler, Strauszler), Sträußler/Straeußler, Sträussler/Straeussler, /Straeussler/Strässler/Straeusler, Strassler.
If an internal link intending to refer to a specific person led you to this page, you may wish to change that link by adding the person's given name(s) to the link.