Sheperd Doeleman

Sheperd Doeleman
Nascimento 26 de janeiro de 1967
Cidadania Bélgica
Alma mater
Ocupação astrofísico, astrônomo
  • Bolsa Guggenheim (2012)
  • Medalha Henry Draper (Heino Falcke, Honoring Shepherd Doeleman and Heino Falcke, for their vision and their leadership within the EHT collaboration, embracing theory, instrumentation, observation and analysis in combining radio telescopes around the world to image the shadow of the supermassive black hole in the nearby galaxy M87, thereby validating Einstein’s general theory of relativity., 2021)
  • Prêmio Bruno Rossi (2020)
Empregador(a) Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Observatório Astrofísico Smithsonian
Página oficial
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Sheperd S. Doeleman, mais conhecido como Shep Doeleman (Leuven, Bélgica, 1967), é um radioastrônomo estadunidense. É desde 2017 diretor do Event Horizon Telescope (EHT).

Recebeu com sua equipe o Prêmio Bruno Rossi de 2020. Recebeu juntamente com Heino Falcke a Medalha Henry Draper de 2021.[1]


  1. Sheperd Doeleman, Center for Astrophysics | Harvard University & Smithsonian, and Heino Falcke, Radboud University, Nijmegen, received the 2021 Henry Draper Medal

Ligações externas

  • Página pessoal em Harvard
  • Biografia resumida em World Science Festival
  • Biografia na Guggenheim Foundation

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Medalha Henry Draper (1886 — 2021)

1886: Samuel Pierpont Langley  · 1888: Edward Charles Pickering  · 1890: Henry Augustus Rowland  · 1893: Hermann Carl Vogel  · 1899: James Edward Keeler  · 1901: William Huggins  · 1904: George Ellery Hale  · 1906: William Wallace Campbell  · 1910: Charles Greeley Abbot  · 1913: Henri-Alexandre Deslandres  · 1915: Joel Stebbins  · 1916: Albert Abraham Michelson  · 1918: Walter Sydney Adams  · 1919: Charles Fabry  · 1920: Alfred Fowler  · 1921: Pieter Zeeman  · 1922: Henry Norris Russell  · 1924: Arthur Stanley Eddington  · 1926: Harlow Shapley  · 1928: William Hammond Wright  · 1931: Annie Jump Cannon  · 1932: Vesto Melvin Slipher  · 1934: John Stanley Plaskett · 1936: Charles Edward Kenneth Mees  · 1940: Robert Williams Wood  · 1942: Ira Sprague Bowen  · 1945: Paul Merrill  · 1947: Hans Bethe  · 1949: Otto Struve  · 1951: Bernard Lyot  · 1955: Hendrik Christoffel van de Hulst  · 1957: Horace Welcome Babcock  · 1960: Martin Schwarzschild  · 1963: Richard Tousey  · 1965: Martin Ryle  · 1968: Bengt Edlén  · 1971: Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar  · 1974: Lyman Spitzer  · 1977: Arno Allan Penzias e Robert Woodrow Wilson  · 1980: William Wilson Morgan  · 1985: Joseph Hooton Taylor  · 1989: Riccardo Giovanelli e Martha Patricia Haynes  · 1993: Ralph Alpher e Robert Herman  · 1997: Bohdan Paczyński  · 2001: Robert Paul Butler e Geoffrey Marcy  · 2005: Charles Leonard Bennett  · 2009: Neil Gehrels  · 2013: William Borucki  · 2017: Barry C. Barish e Stanley E. Whitcomb  · 2021: Sheperd Doeleman e Heino Falcke

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Controle de autoridade
  • Wd: Q63121753
  • WorldCat
  • VIAF: 690145601932401320477
  • DBLP: 5098