Monster Snowman

Half Human: The Story of the Abominable Snowman
Jūjin Yuki Otoko
Afișul filmului
Afișul filmului
Titlu original獣人雪男
Genfilm SF
RegizorIshirō Honda  Modificați la Wikidata
După o povestire de:
DistribuțieAkira Takarada
Akemi Negishi
Momoko Kōchi
Nobuo Nakamura
Yoshio Kosugi
John Carradine
Russell Thorson[*][[Russell Thorson (actor american)|​]]
Robert Karnes[*][[Robert Karnes (actor american)|​]]
Morris Ankrum[*][[Morris Ankrum (American actor)|​]]  Modificați la Wikidata
Țara Japonia  Modificați la Wikidata
Limba originalălimba japoneză  Modificați la Wikidata
Disponibil în românădublat sau subtitrat
Bugetmilioane $
Încasărimilioane $
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Half Human: The Story of the Abominable Snowman (japoneză Jūjin Yuki Otoko, 獣人雪男, lit. Half-Beast-Half-Man Snowman) este un film SF japonez din 1955 regizat de Ishirō Honda. În rolurile principale joacă actorii Akira Takarada, Akemi Negishi.



Actori japonezi

  • Takeshi Iijima - Akira Takarada
  • Chika - Akemi Negishi
  • Machiko Takeno - Momoko Kochi
  • Professor Tanaka - Nobuo Nakamura
  • Nakata - Sachio Sakai
  • Tribal Chief - Kokuten Kodo
  • Oba - Yoshio Kosugi
  • Chubby Thug - Akira Tani
  • Shinsuke Takeno - Kenji Kasahara
  • Villager - Senkichi Omura
  • Kurihara - Koji Suzuki
  • Shinagawa - Ren Yamamoto
  • Matsui - Akira Sera
  • Kodama - Yasuhisa Tsutsumi
  • Takeno - Tadashi Okabe
  • Thug - Yutaka Nakayama

Actori americani

  • Dr. John Rayburn - John Carradine
  • Prof. Philip Osborne - Russell Thorson
  • Prof. Alan Templeton - Robert Karnes
  • Dr. Carl Jordan - Morris Ankrum


Legături externe

v  d  m
Filme regizate de Ishirō Honda
Anii 1950
The Blue Pearl (1951) · The Skin of the South (1952) · The Man Who Came to Port (1952) · Adolescence Part II (1953) · Eagle of the Pacific (1953) · Farewell Rabaul (1954) · Godzilla (1954) · Love Makeup (1955) · Oen-san (1955) · Half Human (1955) · Young Tree (1956) · Night School (1956) · Godzilla, King of the Monsters! (1956) · People of Tokyo, Goodbye (1956) · Rodan (1956) · Be Happy, These Two Lovers (1957) · A Teapicker's Song of Goodbye (1957) · A Rainbow Plays in My Heart (1957) · A Farewell to the Woman Called My Sister (1957) · The Mysterians (1957) · Song for a Bride (1958) · The H-Man (1958) · Varan the Unbelievable (1958) · Battle in Outer Space (1959)
Anii 1960
The Human Vapor (1960) · Mothra (1961) · Gorath (1962) · King Kong vs. Godzilla (1962) · Matango (1963) · Atragon (1963) · Mothra vs. Godzilla (1964) · Dogora (1964) · Ghidorah, the Three-Headed Monster (1964) · Frankenstein Conquers the World (1965) · Invasion of Astro-Monster (1965) · The War of the Gargantuas (1966) · King Kong evadează (1967) · Destroy All Monsters (1968) · Latitude Zero (1969) · All Monsters Attack (1969)
Anii 1970
Space Amoeba (1970) · Terror of Mechagodzilla (1975)
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