Store of Infinity

Store of Infinity
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Store of Infinity este o colecție de povestiri științifico-fantastice de Robert Sheckley din 1960. A fost publicată de Bantam Books.

Conține povestirile:

  1. "The Prize of Peril"
  2. "The Humours" (prima dată publicată ca "Join Now" de Finn O'Donnevan)
  3. "Triplication"
  4. "The Minimum Man"
  5. "If the Red Slayer"
  6. "The Store of the Worlds" (cunoscută și ca "World of Heart's Desire")
  7. "The Gun Without a Bang"
  8. "The Deaths of Ben Baxter"

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Lucrări de Robert Sheckley
  • Immortality, Inc. (1958)
  • Omega (1960).
  • Journey Beyond Tomorrow (1963)
  • The 10th Victim (1966)
  • Transfer mental (1966)
  • Dimension of Miracles (1968)
  • Options (1975)
  • The Alchemical Marriage of Alistair Crompton (1978)
  • Dramocles (1983)
  • Pop Death (1986)
  • Victim Prime (1987)
  • Hunter / Victim (1988)
  • On The Planet of Bottled Brains (cu Harry Harrison, 1990)
  • Minotaur Maze (1990)
  • Watchbird (1990)
  • Xolotl (1991)
  • Alien Starswarm (1991)
  • Seria Millennial Contest (cu Roger Zelazny):
    • Bring Me the Head of Prince Charming (1991)
    • If at Faust You Don't Succeed (1993)
    • A Farce to Be Reckoned With (1995)
  • Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: The Laertian Gamble (1995)
  • Aliens: Alien Harvest (1995)
  • Godshome (1997)
  • Babylon 5: A Call to Arms (1999)
  • The Grand-Guignol of the Surrealists (2000)
  • Dimension of Miracles Revisited (2000)
Colecții de povestiri